

My name’s Mikaela and my purpose in life is to inspire others to get outside and experience life while protecting the wild places I love to play in.

I’m a Colorado native and have spent my whole life in this beautiful state hiking, camping, skiing, rock climbing, canoeing, snowshoeing, practicing yoga, you name it! My mountaineer dad instilled a deep love of the natural world and adventure in me and as I’ve come into adulthood, I’ve realized that this is where my true passions lie.

My amazing fiance, Topher and 11 year old shepherd mix, McKenzie, share my love of the outdoors and we spend every possible moment outside recreating.

I am a millennial creative and love blogging, social media and photography. I am a perpetual dreamer and currently am dreaming of teaching English abroad, building a camper van and skiing every day on the Mountain Collective Pass and going back to school for graphic design.

When I’m not outside or on Instagram, I’m finding a new hipster coffee shop, binge watching Netflix or on the hunt for the world’s best mac n’ cheese.

Two Humans, a Dog, and a Subaru, Living Life in Wanderlust is about my adventures and inspiring others to put down their phones and get outside.

This blog was started as a way to document the Summer of 2016 where we lived out of our ’97 Subaru Outback and traveled around the Western US and Canada. You can read more on the Two and a Half BAMFS in BANFF tab.